Aufruf - call up
It is a longstanding tradition that in the lead up to a Jewish wedding the chatan (groom) and kalah (bride) are given the honour of an aliyah (call-up) to the Torah at their local synagogue. This allows the couple’s extended community and wider circle of friends to celebrate the couple’s love and union beyond the wedding ceremony itself (chuppah).
This ceremony is often referred to using the Yiddish term for "calling up": aufruf.
At a Kolenu aufruf, we invite the wedding couple to deliver the weekly D’var Torah to the community on a Friday night preceding the wedding. Sharing a Torah thought has been a part of the fabric of Jewish life for millennia, and at this life milestone we invite the marrying couple to share their perspectives on love, home, family and tradition through the lens of the weekly Parsha.
To find out more, see our Aufruf guide, and get in contact with us to arrange your celebration.