Our board.
Ash Densham is a co-founder of the Kehila and served as the Mekasher of the organisation from 2017-2021.
He is passionate about Hebrew folk music and has compiled the Kolenu Kabbalat Shabbat siddurim across the years.
He sits on the board with a drive to develop a wider breadth of Kolenu-facilitated chaggim and smachot.
Alice Chipkin is a writer, artist and high school teacher who grew up on Gadigal country in Sydney.
She has been a passionate member of Kolenu for years, often dialing in from interstate homes. Having returned from a few years teaching up on Larrakia country she is delighted to be on the Kolenu board.
Asher Myerson is a Physics and Maths teacher by trade. He is a passionate educator who has a history in experiential Jewish education both at a youth movement and professionally at a Jewish high school.
Asher moved to Melbourne from Perth in 2022 and is so thankful for joining this kehilla. Some of his passions are sport, Jewish history and animal rights.
Emma Light was first introduced to Kolenu Friday nights by her children and it has become the highlight of her week.
She strives to actualise her Jewish identity in authentic and meaningful ways and is excited by the emerging opportunities for Jewish connectivity that Kolenu offers.
Between Friday nights at Kolenu, Emma is inspired by embracing change and enriches her life with family, friends and nature.
Lior Harel was appointed to the Board in August 2021.
Lior has practised commercial law for almost 20 years, and has a love of meditation and yoga.
His claim to ‘Kolenu fame’ is being the father of two young sons who love nothing more than drumming along to Kolenu tunes as often as they can.
Russell (Guss) Goldblatt is the current Chair of Kolenu. He has been heading up the Chaggim tzevet (festivals team) at Kolenu since he moved across from Perth a few years ago, and is currently working on a PhD in Physics at the University of Melbourne.
Guss went on Shnat with Habonim Dror in 2013, where he laid eyes on a Kehilat Kolenu siddur for the first time. Outside of study and Kolenu, Guss likes to spend his time riding his bike and making hummus whenever possible.
Sidra Moshinsky has been an educator in things Jewish for all her adult life (and even before then as a teenage madricha at Hashy). After many years working in Jewish education at schools, she is now applying her knowledge and skills to a range of communal endeavours, including Kolenu.
Sidra is drawn to Kolenu's vibrancy and its commitment to a Judaism that both gives to and makes demands of us in meaningful ways. She loves yoga, being in nature and sharing in life's goodness with family and friends.
Our mazkirut.
Mia Borowitz has been an integral part of the Kolenu community for 5 years. Currently an Arts/Law student, Mia's passions range from performing arts to fostering connections within the Jewish community.
Her journey towards active community involvement began at SKIF, where she served as a leader and chairperson, instilling in her a deep commitment to Jewish values and community engagement.
Attending Kab Shab services has been a highlight of Mia's week for years!
Daniel Etzion has been a member of Kehilat Kolenu since the very early days of the community.
He is a public sector economist where he focuses on the decarbonisation of international trade, and a mediocre percussionist at Kolenu where he focuses on keeping time.
After several years living in Canberra, Perth, London and Tel Aviv, Daniel is glad to return to Melbourne and lead the Leviim musicians.
Naomi Bagle-Zevin is our current Mekasheret (Community Director).
Naomi was introduced to Kolenu in high school and has been a passionate member ever since, first as a nitzav, and then as Kolenu’s first project coordinator.
After learning from so many other Jewish leaders before her, she is very excited about continuing to grow and shape the Kolenu community.
Outside of work, Naomi loves Jewish learning, baking challah and sharing food with friends and family.