Kabbalat Shabbat
Kehilat Kolenu began in the winter of 2012 as a small, informal gathering for Kabbalat Shabbat. Our desire was simple: to create a Friday night service true to its roots - a meaningful, musical celebration of the day of rest.
Over the years, our Kabbalat Shabbat service has evolved into what we believe is one of the most meaningful, uplifting and musical celebrations offered in the community, attracting 120+ participants weekly. We sit in concentric circles, with people of all ages and genders singing together with one voice. We use instruments and voice to bring to life Hebrew music through contemporary folk songs and ancient psalms.
Jewish culture is but a skeleton without its music. There is no prayer service, festival, simcha or rite of passage that does not have an accompanying melody to bring it to life. Our tradition sees music as the language of the soul; it is said that most explanations of the Torah and Zohar cannot be comprehended without music.
We invite you to sing with us each week. Kolenu means “our voice”, and we hope you will join us in the renewal of egalitarian, musical expression that makes contemporary Jewish culture so special.
The traditional Kabbalat Shabbat service is made up of six Tehilim (Psalms), each representing a day of the week from Sunday through Friday. The seventh, pinnacle song is the melodic poem of Lecha Dodi, symbolic of Shabbat itself.
Kolenu’s Friday night service follows the same traditional framework of 6+1 songs, yet draws from a wider, dynamic collection of Jewish liturgy -Tehilim, Shir Ha’Shirim and contemporary Hebrew folk songs. Hence no week at Kolenu is the same as the last.
You can view our collection of songs, readings and commentaries in our Shabbat Siddur by clicking the Hebrew (orange) or Transliterated (blue/green) covers to the right. Please get in touch if you would like a printable booklet form of the siddur to use at home!
Kolenu now offers both a montly Northside Kabbalat Shabbat service, as well as Shabbat Ktana for families with young children. For more details, get in touch with us here

What our community members say.
“My appreciation and admiration goes to the founders for your amazing vision, dedication and hard work. Thank you for the beautiful, unique, music-centred service, and for the community you have established. You have successfully created a space for us to enjoy and maintain our Jewish tradition in an uplifting and enjoyable way - mostly because of the communal singing and your instrumental accompaniment.”
“The total feeling of inclusion, the peacefulness of unified singing to songs with meaning, relevance, connection and depth. Kolenu hits the spot and lifts the roof!”
“To see my children! And to see everyone's children and to kvell! Plus, I love a good community sing along of beautiful Shabbat songs - it's pure happiness!”
“The communal singing is wonderful. I go because it’s so joyful, I feel good going there, it is a spiritual Shabbat experience. It is one of the only Jewish communal spaces I can connect with my Judaism and a Jewish community where it feels accessible, aligns with my world view, and where I have a sense of belonging.”